历史致力于支持在线博彩的学生. A range of 奖学金 and awards opportunities are available for 历史 majors. Please review the requirements carefully for each 奖学金 listed below.


  1. 向在线博彩申请 如果你还没有被录取的话.
  2. Review the requirements carefully for each 奖学金 in the 下面的列表.
  3. 申请奖学金 通过奖学金门户网站.
  4. Make sure to upload all required materials to the portal with your application.

问题? 联系人: history@ycdwkj666.com



This 奖学金 shall be awarded annually by a committee appointed by the 历史 Program.

年度奖金的数额各不相同. In awarding, the following criteria shall be applied. The 奖学金 shall be designated for a rising junior or senior with a 3.0 or better grade point average (GPA) who is majoring in 历史. 乔治亚州的居民,学习成绩为B的学生可优先考虑.A. 或B.S.Ed. 在历史上,谁表现出经济需求.

This memorial 奖学金 fund is in memory of Vachel Davis Whatley, Sr., 卡罗尔县一位杰出的教育家, 通过对历史的深入研究,谁会相信这一点, 各国可以避免重蹈他们祖先的覆辙,后代的生活质量可以大大提高.

获奖者必须是大二学生, who has declared a 历史 major at the University of West Georgia, and who intends to pursue a four-year curriculum at the University of West Georgia, 以B成绩毕业.A. 历史专业毕业. 有权选择受赠人的人, 应平等考虑波尔克县和卡罗尔县的合格和符合条件的学生作为奖学金获得者. If no student is selected from one of these two counties, an eligible and qualified student from Troup County 可选. If no student is selected from the above counties, an eligible and qualified student who is a resident of any county in the State of Georgia, 可选.

To qualify for the 奖学金 the recipient shall be selected in the manner, 或流程, 由基金会设立,根据学生在在线博彩期间获得的奖学金成绩进行奖励. 经济需要可以给予适当的考虑.

This 奖学金 will annually provide $1,200 to a meritorious 历史 major.

卡西米尔·普拉斯基分会, Sons of the American Revolution Scholarship was established in order to promote and support the study of the history of the United States at 在线博彩; to provide financial assistance to 在线博彩 students pursuing a degree in American 历史; and to honor the Casimir Pulaski Chapter SAR and its membership (past, 现在, and future) for their efforts in the perpetuation of the study of the history of our nation.  

To qualify for the award, the student must meet the following: 

  • be an undergraduate or graduate students majoring in history;
  • 总平均分是3分.5级以上;
  • preference will be given to students whose research focus is American history;
  • preference will be given to students who demonstrate financial need.

This award was established as a memorial to Thomas A. 赫恩登,1939年的毕业生.

该奖项颁发给表现出杰出品格的历史专业学生, 奖学金, 公民的领导, 以及对社会和政治科学的参与,已故的托马斯·赫恩登就是一个例子.

这个奖项是由史密斯夫人设立的. W. 史蒂夫·沃西博士. 彼得T. 有价值的.

奖学金是颁发给在逆境和经济困难中勤奋学习历史专业的学生. 奖学金每两年颁发一次.


这个奖项是由罗伯特·H. 克拉克斯顿,历史学名誉教授.

This award is designated to an undergraduate history major with a 3.正在寻求(或计划寻求)教师资格认证,并对一个或多个世界研究领域感兴趣的人,成绩为0分或以上.


这项奖学金是由杨小姐设立的. 雅顿威廉姆斯, 在线博彩项目的校友(1998年和2002年), 作为对她儿子的致敬, 丹尼尔·丹尼·亚当·威廉姆斯.


丹尼(83年7月27日- 2016年7月20日)于2016年在乔治亚州海岸(泰比岛附近)因工伤事故去世. Danny had worked on tugboats for seven years at the time of his accident. As a child, his mother would often take him with her to classes at 在线博彩. 这些都是他最美好的回忆,他在去世前不久提到,当他回到学校时,他将去在线博彩 .

雅顿在达美航空公司工作了23年. 在她的航空事业即将结束时,她决定以一名非传统学生的身份重返大学攻读本科学位. She completed her undergrad work in history in 1998 about the time she met Dr. Ann McCleary who was starting the Center for Public 历史. 她决定继续在在线博彩博士. 麦克利里的公共历史研究生课程. 2002年完成项目, she changed careers and began work at the Georgia Humanities (Council).


The Kennedy Graduate 奖 of Excellence was established by W. 本杰明·肯尼迪,历史学名誉教授.

这个奖项是颁给M.A. 在在线博彩上历史课的研究生. 该奖项是250美元的现金奖励, and should be given to the recipient at the annual Honors Day/Phi Alpha Theta ceremony.

  • To qualify for the award, the student must meet the following:
  • Be a regularly admitted history student in the Masters of Arts program.
  • Have completed at least nine (9) of the thirty-six semester hours required for the degree.
  • Be nominated by a member of the graduate faculty in the history department.
  • 是否满足了历史文学硕士的文化和全球素养要求.
  • Show evidence of excellence in history graduate work through grades in courses, 参加实习, 研究和写作, or such criteria as the 历史 奖s committee thinks fit.


这个奖项是由史密斯先生设立的. David Champa,以前的学生.  

约瑟夫·R. 约翰逊奖学金将由在线博彩公共历史中心的教师组成的委员会颁发. 约瑟夫·R. 约翰逊奖学金将为每学年秋季和春季学期的研究生研究助理提供资金.

约瑟夫·R. 约翰逊奖学金将被要求每学期每周工作十五(15)个小时,完成一个记录格鲁吉亚音乐遗产的项目. 在线博彩公共历史中心教师委员会将与乔治亚音乐基金会主任协商,制定每学期奖学金项目的目标, 并由公共历史中心教务委员会决定学生的最终课题.

The successful applicant(s) can hold the Joseph R. 如果他/她获得在线博彩公共历史系中心的积极评价,他/她将获得为期两年的约翰逊奖学金.



  1. Papers submitted may concern any historical topic, but must substantially utilize historical methodology. The paper must be twelve to fifteen pages in length (not including title page, 尾注, 或参考书目). It must be typed, double spaced, and include 尾注 and a bibliography that conform to the 芝加哥风格手册 or 凯特·图拉比安的《在线博彩》.

  2. The writer's name, address, and telephone number must be listed only on the title page.

  3. Three copies of each paper must be submitted to the 历史 Club advisor before February 1.

评审将由3名历史系成员组成的特别委员会负责, 一个是美国人, 一个是欧洲专家, 还有一个“第三世界”.他们的选择将基于论文满足以下标准的程度:一个定义明确的主题或论文的覆盖范围, 的写作风格, 创意, 资源的使用, 整体质量.

  • The winning undergraduate writer will receive The Hellen J. Jackson Undergraduate Paper 奖, and a $100 prize.

  • The winning graduate student writer will receive The Albert S. 汉瑟研究生论文奖,以及100美元奖金.

Do you have a great research paper on Georgia history?

1978年,伊丽莎白. 帕克, long time Registrar and member of the University of West Georgia's Department of 历史, provided funds for an award for the best student research paper on Georgia history. 帕克小姐获奖的动机是她对在线博彩的忠诚和对该州历史的兴趣. 历史系的一个委员会决定授予他100美元和一张证书.

Any 在线博彩 student may submit a paper on a topic involving Georgia history. It should be between ten and thirty typed, double-spaced pages, and should utilize Turabian手册 就风格而言.

西奥多·B. Fitz-Simons 奖 was established in 2001 in recognition of Mr. 菲茨-西蒙斯在在线博彩任职期间对社区外展的承诺.

He lectured extensively in the community about topics related to Reconstruction, 镀金时代, 以及《在线博彩》,并参与了乔治亚州政治遗产项目和当地历史项目.

该奖项每年颁发一次,旨在表彰通过奖学金和服务活动在公共历史领域表现出色的研究生或本科生. Undergraduate students should be a junior or senior majoring in history. 所有受助人的平均成绩必须不低于3分.0.

获奖者将获得50美元的奖金, and their name will be engraved on a plaque to be housed in the 历史 Program.

NSDAR美国历史奖的亚伯拉罕·鲍德温分会每年由历史系成立的委员会评选. 奖金的最低金额为125美元.00.

该奖项将指定给在线博彩非传统女性,攻读美国历史专业的历史文学学士学位. The recipient must be a rising senior with a minimum 3.0的绩点.

如果你申请了多个奖项, please prepare separate and specific letters for each application.