

The first step is to talk to your academic advisor to explore your options.



妇女研究 at 在线博彩 is an interdisciplinary program designed to introduce students to feminist scholarship which emphasizes the cross-cultural understanding of the social, 妇女的政治和文化经历. 妇女研究 seeks to critically analyze the intersection/interaction of gender, 比赛, 跨越时间和空间的阶级和力量.

Our program draws faculty from a variety of different disciplines within and outside of the Social Sciences in order to provide students with valuable training in interdisciplinary practice.




15 credit hours from the list of approved courses for Women’s Studies.

  • A minimum of 9 credit hours must be 3000-4000 level
  • 课程 must be from 3 different areas of study (e.g. History, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, Criminology…etc.)
  • 课程 taken to satisfy Major requirements may not be counted toward a Minor.
  • 学生的平均成绩必须保持在2分以下.辅修课程成绩为0分. 



You may be asking yourself, how can a 妇女研究 Minor help me personally and/or professionally? 答案是,在很多方面! 妇女研究 courses review the experiences of women in the past, present and future. They can help you examine the social and psychological issues faced in today's world, while also shedding light on issues that may have been neglected in past scholarship due to gender bias and inequality. 另外, a 妇女研究 Minor will provide you with a multicultural and interdisciplinary perspective, which will advance your understanding of people from diverse backgrounds and assist you in being able to work with a wide variety of individuals in your future academic/career endeavors. 最后, 也许最重要的是, a 妇女研究 Minor will illustrate to you ways of empowering others and also offer alternatives to the status quo in hopes of improving human experience for all. 

CRIM 4231:妇女与刑事司法

Prerequisite: SOCI 1101 or consent of instructor
This course will introduce students to the participation of women in the criminal justice system. 女性犯下的罪行, 女性特有的法则, and the treatment of females by the system will be explored. Women as professionals and their impact on the system will also be discussed.


An investigation of aesthetic and cultural issues pertinent to the production of literature by women. Typical offerings will rotate among topics related to literature by women in the United States, 不列颠群岛, 或者世界其他地方. (由于主题的不同,可能会重复.)

HIST 4467:美国历史上的妇女到1890年

Prerequisite: 3 credits global history, 3 credits U.S. 历史或权限
An examination of the experiences of different women and their impact on American history up to 1890.

HIST 4468:自1890年以来美国历史上的女性

Prerequisite: 3 credits global history, 3 credits U.S. 历史或权限
An examination of the experiences of different women and their impact on American history since 1890.

POLS 3102:妇女与政治

An analysis of the role of interest groups and political parties in the American political systems with emphasis on their organizations, 功能, 目标, 战术, 和权力.

POLS 4502: Gender and Ethnicity in International Politics

The course introduces students to the interconnectedness of gender roles and ethnic classifications with international relations. 因此, this course takes an interdisciplinary approach to the study of colonization, 战争与和平, 革命理论, 社会运动, 发展, 以及人类与环境的互动.


Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 or permission of instructor
A special series of topical seminars meant to explore subjects at the leading edge of contemporary psychology which are of special interest to students and faculty.

PSYC 4140:性别心理学

Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 or permission of instructor
人类心理学中与性别相关的观点. Emphasis on helping men and women to re-examine their self-images in the light of contemporary gender-based movements.


Prerequisite: SOCI 1101 or permission of instructor
Analysis of sex-role stereotypes in an effort to determine their origin, 传输, 影响, 和改变.

Each semester there are additional courses offered in many different disciplines, 通常是1999年的研讨会课程, 这门课可以算作辅修女性研究课. 此外, 许多院系提供导读, directed research and internships which may count towards a 妇女研究 minor. 直接读数, directed research and internships require the consent of the course professor and also Director of 妇女研究, Dr. 詹妮弗·贝格斯·韦伯


  • ANTH 3186:性别人类学(3小时)
  • CRIM 3983: Directed Criminology Research (3 hours)
  • CRIM 4231:女人 & 刑事司法(3小时)
  • CRIM 4232:家庭暴力(3小时)
  • CRIM 4981:指导阅读(3小时)
  • ENGL 2190:女性文学(3小时)
  • ENGL 4185: Studies In Lit By Women: British (3 hours)
  • HIST 4423: Women and Gender in the Ancient World (3 hours)
  • HIST 4467:美国历史上的妇女到1890年 (3 hours)
  • HIST 4468:自1890年以来美国历史上的女性 (3 hours)
  • HIST 4485: Special Topics: (American Sexual History) or (History of Black Women in America) (3 hours)
  • PHIL 4130:女权主义哲学(3小时)
  • POLS 3102:性别与政治(3小时)
  • POLS 4502: Gender and Ethnicity in International Politics (3 hours)
  • PSYC 3010: Human Growth and Development (4 hours)
  • PSYC 3110:人类性学(3小时)
  • PSYC 4085:地平线研讨会:(灵性 & 性学)或(女性主义心理学)(3小时)
  • PSYC 4140:性别心理学(3小时)
  • PSYC 4160:爱的心理学(3小时)
  • SOCI 2203:妇女研究入门(3小时)
  • SOCI 3603:性别社会学(3小时)
  • SOCI/MGNT 4103/4626:妇女与工作(3小时)
  • SOCI 4153:妇女和老龄化(3小时)
  • SOCI 4203:美国社会中的女性(3小时)
  • SOCI 4323: Cultural and Racial Minorities (3 hours)
  • SOCI 4915:对妇女的暴力行为(3小时)
  • SOCI 4916:性别与工作(3小时)
  • SOCI 4999: Special Seminar: (Sociology of Leadership) or (Women and Social Change) or (Globalization of Women) (3 hours)
  • XIDS 2100:艺术 & Ideas Special Topics: (American Womanhood) or (American Womanhood) or (Intro to Gender & 性)或(舞台上的女人) & 《在线博彩》或《在线博彩》(3小时)


  • 2014 -悉尼·赖特
  • 2013年,麦肯齐·沃克
  • 2012 - Jessica Whalen, Psychology Major and Jessica Madruga, Sociology Major
  • 2011年,Sara Simonis,人类学专业
  • 2010 - Tammy Paschal,护理专业



Dr. 詹妮弗·贝格斯·韦伯

电子邮件: jbweber@ycdwkj666.com