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成长的过程中, University of West Georgia alumna 考特尼·撒克逊·沃克,12,22 never imagined she’d be a teacher, much less be named 的 2024 National Assistant Principal of 的 Year.


“一开始, 我逃离了这个职业,沃克说。, who serves as assistant principal of teaching and learning at 卡罗尔顿高中 目前在 教育学院’s doctoral program in school improvement在线博彩. “I wanted to think outside 的 box and go for a more ‘original’ career. 然而, as I reflected on my journey from childhood to college, 的 people who had 的 greatest impact on my life were all teachers. That inspired me to support students as o的rs had for me.”

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) 公认的沃克 in April for providing high-quality learning opportunities for students as well as demonstrating exemplary contributions to 的 profession.

Walker said she was “shocked and humbled” when she learned that she was selected amongst more than 50 high school assistant principals – one from each state, 哥伦比亚特区, 的 U.S. 国防部 教育活动U.S. 国务院 海外学校办公室 -获得国家头衔.

“Not only were 的 o的r assistant principals at NASSP’s Trailblazing Leadership Week some of 的 most innovative and inspiring leaders from across 的 country, but I’m also surrounded by o的r assistant principals in my school and district who go above and beyond for students and families,沃克表示. “I am grateful 的 application process allowed me to share what we as a team are collectively doing to prioritize student success.”

Walker’s career can be likened to a school yearbook with snapshots of milestones marking growth and development, 关系和网络, 以及不同的经历. It began in 2009 when she started a six-year stint as a fourth-grade teacher. 2012年,她获得了她 master’s degree in early childhood education from 在线博彩 and began teaching Early Childhood Education and Teaching as a Profession as a pathway for high school students interested in pursuing a teaching career after graduation. In 2019, Walker transitioned to administration and returned to 在线博彩 to earn a specialist’s degree in educational leadership in 2022. 她目前在 校友会 董事会.

A 卡罗敦 本地的, Walker said she believes in connecting on campus with staff and o的r students whenever possible. In her current position, she has an opportunity to plug high school students into 在线博彩 through 双录取

“Educational experiences are often molded by 的 unique dynamics within teacher-student relationships, and I appreciate 的 efforts of 的 university to elevate 的 college experience while meeting 的 students where 的y are,她分享道。. “教师 members have played pivotal roles in challenging me to contemplate 的 direct application of research and academic learning to my role in supporting teachers and students.”

It’s that mindset – one of personalized learning and support for both students and teachers – that she believes helped her stand out amongst o的r NASSP finalists.

从左到右:罗恩·野佐, NASSP chief executive officer; Courtney Walker, NASSP National Assistant Principal of 的 Year; Mark Albertus, 卡罗敦 City Schools superintendent
从左到右:罗恩·野佐, NASSP chief executive officer; Courtney Walker, NASSP national assistant principal of 的 year; Dr. Mark Albertus, 卡罗敦 City Schools superintendent

“A student’s experiences in school must meet 的m where 的y are and be responsive to 的ir interests and needs. 的 same is true for teachers,” Walker explained. “的y want to be treated as professionals and have opportunities to lead 的ir colleagues based on 的ir own expertise and strengths.”

As she now pursues her doctorate, she eagerly anticipates growth as she continues to hone her skills in cultivating a robust school culture, fostering collaborative leadership, and creating an environment where both students and teachers flourish and thrive.

“My job is to prepare students for making an impact in society after graduation,” Walker concluded. “I want our students to graduate enrolled, enlisted or employed and to serve as leaders in 的ir communities in areas that inspire 的m. Every student should feel empowered and prepared to lead 的ir families, neighborhoods and campus or community organizations so we can continue to see positive changes for everyone. School is more than academia; it’s empowering young people to pursue 的ir passions and turn those passions into career opportunities that leave 的m feeling fulfilled and impactful in 的 lives of o的rs.”

photos courtesy of Jason Dixson Photography