Note: If the course will be associated with a learning community, remember to also fill out the learning community proposal form.

Please provide as much information as possible in the form below. When you are finished, click the SUBMIT PROPOSAL button at the bottom of the page. Submission will be sent via e-mail directly to Dr. Walter at

Area B2: XIDS 2001/2002

Contact Information

Course Information

Credit Hours
Institutional needs the course will meet (check all that apply)

Learning Outcomes

List the course's learning outcomes. These must meet the following:

  • Relate to the institutional needs you selected above.
  • Demonstrate your course is interdisciplinary.
  • Be specific, attainable, and measurable.
Course Learning Outcomes

Your proposal will need to address the following issues:

Describe potential grading criteria (exams, papers, performances, works of art, etc.)
Potential Primary Reference(s) (text, current literature, etc.)
Outline of Syllabus