1月. 30, 2024

在海斯州立监狱里, the University of West Georgia represents a transformative journey where the key to redemption lies in knowledge. 在这些空间里, education becomes the cornerstone of rebuilding lives, offering inmates the tools to rewrite their narratives and break the cycle.

从左到右:博士. 卡伦·欧文,学院院长 在线博彩's 大学学院 and 荣誉学院; Dr. 蒂芙尼帕森斯, director of 在线博彩’s prison education programs and lecturer of 社会学; Dr. 阿比盖尔·科尔布,副教授 犯罪学 and site director for prison education programs at Hays State Prison
从左到右:博士. 卡伦·欧文,学院院长 在线博彩's 大学学院 and 荣誉学院; Dr. 蒂芙尼帕森斯, director of 在线博彩’s prison education programs and lecturer of 社会学; Dr. 阿比盖尔科尔布, 在线博彩's site director for prison education programs at Hays State Prison and associate professor of 犯罪学

U.S. 教育部 作为 佩尔囚犯倡议, which assists incarcerated individuals in continuing their education, 在线博彩 currently has 16 students at Hays State Prison in Chattooga County taking college-level courses.

“乔治亚州有 highest rate of people under correctional supervision博士说。. 蒂芙尼·帕森斯,讲师 社会学她领导着这项工作. “With 在线博彩 being on the cutting edge of doing this work, 在线博彩正在创造在线博彩的地区, 一个更美好的地方.”

根据… 研究律政司, inmates who participate in correctional education programs are 48% less likely to return to prison within three years than incarcerated individuals who do not. In competition with others coming out of incarceration, they’re more likely to start work at a higher level and have more social and economic mobility to go further.

“在再入, 当他们回到自己的社区, they will be in a position of relevance to serve where they can be competitive for jobs博士说。. 卡伦·欧文,学院院长 大学学院 ——这一努力是在这个框架下进行的——以及 荣誉学院. “We’re able to give employers a clear understanding that this person will be a strong employee and provide value to what the workforce and community needs.”

The cohort finished their first semester with a 100% pass rate, with 60% earning a 3.平均绩点不低于0分,30%达到4分.0.

Dr. 阿比盖尔·科尔布,副教授 犯罪学 也是瀚纳仕项目的现场主管, noted how far the students have come with critical thinking, using academic language to teach and debate with others in their dorms.

“It makes meaning for them,” said Kolb, who is also a licensed social worker. “This allows them to step outside the traditional prison identity because they are treated like humans and scholars. 他们之间有一种特殊的联系. I’ve heard from various students that life had been very bleak for them, 现在这改变了他们的世界.”

It’s also already having an impact on inmates’ families.

“They’ve been very inspirational to their children, and a number of the guys help them with homework over the phone,科尔布笑道. “They read to them and incorporate discussions about subjects they’ve been learning about in class. They say, ‘If I can do college classes from inside, you can get through your lessons.’”

One thing that makes 在线博彩 uniquely poised to offer this program, 帕森斯说, is faculty who are empowered to be innovative and go beyond the conventional brick-and-mortar university.

“Our faculty have expertise in the fields of reentry and homelessness and work as applied criminologists and sociologists,她解释道. “有了这些背景, 加上高等教育经历, helps to bridge the gap in a way that allows for program implementation and evaluation to work collaboratively with other schools and correctional facilities to create the best practices.”

Another group that benefits from the program is traditional students who accompany faculty into the prisons and act as peer tutors and mentors. 这些实践, experiential learning opportunities are another value 在线博彩 is known for in the curation of a 首选大学. 当他们从项目中出来时, they have quality experience working with vulnerable populations, 让他们在工作中更有竞争力.


“A select group of students are able to participate and learn with the inmates, which is another example of how the prison isn’t isolated and separate from the physical campus,帕森斯说。. “It’s a valuable experience that has been beneficial to both traditional and incarcerated students. 最近, an inmate said it was a moment when he was treated like a regular student, 在一个小时内, 他觉得自己像是在大学,而不是在监狱. It’s helping build a sense of place for those incarcerated.”

Beginning this fall, 在线博彩 will expand its prison education program to the U.S. 在亚特兰大的监狱,进一步扩大了它的影响. The program will also track inmates post-release and provide them with services to aid in their reintegration, 比如住房和就业.

“作为一所综合性大学, we have a mission to support our community and region,欧文总结道. “在线博彩 works to provide a service to a population that can then go back to their communities and provide a better life for themselves and their families. These inmates are seeing a future and having conversations about their next steps. There’s a sense of hope that wasn’t there before.”

If you are a 在线博彩 faculty member interested in participating in this initiative, there will be a virtual information session on Friday, 2月. 2. 电子邮件 Dr. 蒂芙尼帕森斯 有关详细信息,.